daku baru balik dr tgk X files... Daku sgt gembira n suka wlupun x puas tgk x files...
jadi skrg daku mo jawab survey yg di copy dr cik butterflyfrost dari FS beliau...

1.The person who hurt you the most in your life apologized and told you they loved you what would you say?


2.Who is your best guy friend?
~xda kali... nta la, sejak tua2 ni, xda plak best guy fren ku...
3.Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
~ ???

4.Are you in a good mood right now?
~ yes... i baru tgk x files...

5.The phone rings, what do you say?
~ Hish! sapa lagi mengkol ni.... hahaa

6.What is wrong with you right now?
~ i tak puas ati dgn seorg Puan yg baru ku kenali 4 mggu...
krna... beliau mcm munyit!

7.Are you mean?

8.Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
~ Hide

9.What are you drinking?
~ minuman halal

10.Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?
~ Cik Aisah

11.Who was the ugliest person you saw today?
~Cik Puan Tersebut... krna hatinya busuk... huhu

12.How is your hair?
~ Sgt cantik n menawan.. wakakaaa

13.Who do you tell the most to?
~ Adik-beradik daku

14.Latest you stayed up in the past week?
~ Jam 12... huhu
15.Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
~ awal2 tu terfikir kejap la jugak dlm 3-4 mnt, napa plak dia bgtu.... tapi pastu peduli la kau..
mgkin hobinya....

16.Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
~ yup

17.What are you wearing?
~ baju biru gelap n suar itam...

18.Do you remember your dreams?
~ ya...tp kadg2 lupa...

19. Do you speak another language other than English?
~ Bahasa ibunda, n bhsa2 lain sket2...

20.Orange or apple juice?
~ dua2 la... x mo plh kasih.. nti kecik ati pulak satu pihak

21.Who is one person who never lets you down?
~ ntahla

22.Do you love anyone?
~ skrg? abg Mulder!

23.Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
~ nun jauh d pedlman sana

24.Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
~ no..

25.Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
~ x.. tp mcm pernah ms kecik dlu time mandi manda d sungai.. haha

26.Do you cry easily?
~ tgk keadaan...

27.Last time you cried?
~ uik.. langsung x igt...

28.Are you excited about anything?
~ erm...excited psl xfiles jak la.

29.Do you enjoy life?
~ enjoy jugak.. tp enjoy dgn keamanan dan kedamaian...

30.Do you tend to make things complicated?
~ kadg2

31.What's on your mind right now?
~ apa soalan pas ni?

32.Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
~ mungkin.. klu jmp my mulder.. uhuuhu

33.What do you look forward to in the next 2 months?
~hari raya...

34.Have you ever worn your best friend's clothes?
~ x pernah.

35.Anything exciting tomorrow?
~ FRIENDS... i rindu mo tgk rachel, monica, joey, chandler, phoebe, ross... huhu

36.Name something you CANNOT wait for?
~ menci la klu org lmbt

Are you having a good day today?
~ biase jek...


siapa ka puan itu.. saya ingin tahu..hahah

ada puan jelek itu...
yg pasti bukan puan justina...

About Me

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Sabah, Malaysia
just an ordinary every day girl | likes to sleep. huhu | loves to read | a good listener Uwekkk ;p | friends she has, she keeps |

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