sy terjmp 1 forum yg membincg kan isu ini... dan tertarik bila terbaca :

"I haven't found any entry in Islam that permit what you are doing right now. I haven't heard from anyone that love before marriage is permitted. But I know there's no relationship between male and female except for what is very important and official between them. So, may I know what kind of relationship you are having now and I want to hear it from your mouth that it is legal in what you have been learning until now."

"My sweetheart, if you want to bulid a family, a faithful one, you can never bulid it on what Allah has stated as wrong and proven false by the way Rasulullah p.b.u.h has taught us. A happy and blessed family come from Allah, and you don't even have anything to defend it as blessed if the first step you make is by stepping into what He has prohibited. You can't have a happy family if Allah doesn't help you so, and you must know in every family that stands until their dying day, they have Allah on their side. You can't expect Him to help you if you did the wrong step from the very beginning."

so sini saja mo kongsi dgn smua kawan2...
klu mo bc sepenuhnya,


nice entry..remind me for sumthing..betapa "jauh" tak pa la..kata2 ni bg motivasi utk aku..hihi...jodoh org baik mesti ngn org baik..ingt lagi kata2 Ustadz Salehin ka??:)

aku terjumpa forum ni ..
terbuka minda ku pas bc..
benar belaka smuanya..
ingat lg..
tp xda jg org jahat mo jodoh dgn org jahat...

Sejahat-jahat lelaki, last-last dia akan cari isteri yang baik

tul tu...
memg dah lumrah mcm tu...

ya.i've read this before.oh my oh my...

baguih gak ko ek oct...terbukak sket minda aku bc entry ko ni..wakaka!!

erm.. cudn't agree more than that.. datu ketika dulu pun, ai camtu gaks.. tamo la kapel2 bagai nih. kalo rasa cam serasi, kawen je trus.lg afdal.. tapi tu la.. saya hanya insan biasa.. hehehe.skali je kapel, pastu tak bertahan pun. and up until now, nak kembali mcm dulu, tamo la kapel2 nih. ada sbb kenapa ALLAH tetapkan hukum camtu kan..^_^

btw, i put ur link at my blog. takpe kan..? ^_^

memg aku nak tujukan buat ko pun..
tp kena guna cr lembut sket so aku sj2 la konon kongsi dgn smua org..
peringatan utk diri ku dan smua...
mana yg baguih mcm ni, kongsi la kn.

Cik Weeda,
sokong 100%...
smua hukum utk kebaikan kita,
tp manusia je ni yg modified kehdpan ni... haha..
sy link jugak...

oct, aku tau gak and aku sedo diri gler mase bace entry ko ni..bace punye bace...aku tau ni, sah2 ditujukan khas pd aku tp ngan style yg baaaiiiik punye naa??xper..aku sahkan penyertaan ni..muahaha!! aku maleh nk komen byk2 psl cintun2 ni cz kang salah kang...ustazah oct sound aku lg..muahahaha!!

wei,mane aku nk cr koleksi 5penyiasat tu??hahaha

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Sabah, Malaysia
just an ordinary every day girl | likes to sleep. huhu | loves to read | a good listener Uwekkk ;p | friends she has, she keeps |

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