#01 - Describe 10 things about the person who tagged you - cik weeda

Cik Weeda...

1)c.w seorg yg giler... giler music... klu x cy, g bc blog c.w, kira brp byk entry psl lagu.. klu nk tau mood c.w, kena dgr n tau lagu ape die tgh dgr...

2) c.w masi lagi seorg yg giler.. giler movie.. klu x g cinema, die tgk dvd.. memg seorg yg sgt giler movie... *bukan movie Sahaja, tv pon..

3) c.w sgt-sgt giler snap n jadi objek yg disnap..

4) cik weeda ni pencinta alam..aiseh.. tp tul kan c.w ka?

5) c.w seorang pmpn..haha..

6) c.w ska amek kesemptn kat tmpt keje. cthnye, die bt2 kusyuk wat keje walhal beliau tgh sibuk type entry baru. cis.. pekerja hrpn die ni!

7) programmer.. (c.w tul ke programmer? i rs mcm photograper je?)

8) c.w seorg yg lasak. (konon2. itu klu c.s membuat rumusan berdasarkan pic2 c.w ketika beraktiviti kat sabah. hihi)

9) c.w berjiwa lembut..wakaka... (sila bc entry bliau yg tgh berduka lara)

10)c.w dah tua.. 26 tahun..haha..

#02 - Now I have to describe 10 things about myself.

soalan plg x mencbr..

1#daku seorg gadis..
2# i berdarah o..
3#saya tinggi (tiru c.w.hehe.. 167 tu tggi la jugak kan?)
4#aku rabun..
5# hamba seorg yg pendiam..(")
6#i sgt muda..
7#i suka movie, music
8#saya xda keistimewaan..
9# i seorg yg loyar buruk.
10#seorg yg sgt jujur.. hee..

#03 - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names
1) cik obor2.. u kena buat ni..
2) cik dilot (itu pun jikalau cik nak buat.. tak wajib)
3) cik aianna -- klu tak jwb, makruh je.. tak haram..
4) cik diza.. hukum jawab tag ni harus..
5)cik butterfly.. sunat.. wakakaa..
6) cukupla..
7) i takde pilihan lain..
8) ....
9) anda yg cute2.. klu anda rs anda cute, sila angkat tgn n buat tag ni.
10)calon tidak dpt dikenalpasti


for the third section...

aku golongan ke 9..

tambah lg satu : c.w ade blogger fren yg sengal2 alam. nama dier cik santai. hahahha.

btw, cik santai.. kalo nak link, takyah linkkan kat blog cw tau. link aje kat FP cik weeda : miszcharmed.fotopages. com.

About Me

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Sabah, Malaysia
just an ordinary every day girl | likes to sleep. huhu | loves to read | a good listener Uwekkk ;p | friends she has, she keeps |

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